Hello Friends,
I am pleased to inform you of my recent publication of 6 of my haiku! (haikus? I gotta get that figured out.)
5 of them are printed in an art zine called THE NORTHERN SPECIAL, issue #7.
(La Norda Specialo 7
Jo Baer: Radical attitudes to the gallery
D.W. Burnam on ‘subjective detumescence’
Brian Murphy talks about masculinity with Leo, Claudia, Jeffry, and Joey
Matthew Offenbacher: Power in the Gift Shop
Ilvs Strauss: Five haiku
illustrated by D.W., Brian, Matt, and Kimberly Trowbridge.
8 pp. black and purple ink on legal paper
info: thenorthernspecial.org
Available free in Seattle: at Ambach and Rice, 4Culture, Greg Kucera Gallery, Hedreen Gallery, near the lockers at the Henry Art Gallery, in women’s bathroom at The Hideout, James Harris Gallery, at Lawrimore Projects ask Scott for a copy, SEASON, Soil Cooperative Art Gallery, and Western Bridge. Also available free by mail, by sending a SASE envelope to 1402 NE 63rd St. Seattle Wa. 98115 (regular business-sized envelope with two 44 cent stamps please). This issue has been supported by a grant from 4Culture.)
and the last one can be found at the following website: https://sites.google.com/site/thesubversivehuman/current-winners-1
yes, you read that right, CURRENT WINNER.s. I entered a contest and received 1st prize.
I am rather pleased with it all. Hope you enjoy it as well.
Nice work, ilvs! Congrats!